Reading The Fix. Bold. Brave. Unashamed. 2 minutes Next BREAKING NEWS. Period.

The Fix. Bold. Brave. Unashamed.

In some historic cultures periods were deemed sacred and powerful.

Roman philosopher, Pliny the Elder, described menstruation as a miraculum — meaning something wondrous and curious. There was a belief hailstorms, whirlwinds and lightning could be scared away by a menstruating woman. According to the Cherokee, menstrual blood was a source of feminine strength and had the power to destroy enemies

For the Mbuti tribe in Zaire the menstrual hut, where women go when they have their first period, involved a sense of community as they were accompanied by other girls and female relatives. Having a period was considered blessed by the moon.

How could something so extraordinary, so universal, be viewed as taboo, embarrassing or dirty? Censorship in advertising, avoidance in popular culture and limited period products only reinforced that stigma.

Only recently, new products, brands and solutions have burst onto the market: Period undies. Menstrual cups. Ovira pain pads. Charity support. Most poignant perhaps is a retailer aisle name change from ‘feminine hygiene’ to ‘Period Care’. 

The Fix is at the forefront of that change. These products are not designed to be hidden. We are riding the wave of a period revolution.

“It’s a beautiful product. Don’t hide it away in your cabinet. We want women to feel special and have these products out on their shelf,” says Kate.

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